Saturday, November 5, 2016

Be Your Own Cheerleader

I sometimes wonder if anyone could be harder on us than we are on ourselves. The negative voice in your head may have originated with something a parent, teacher, or peer said to you, but you are the only one who keeps that voice going. You have a choice on what that voice in your heads says to you.

Nothing will kill a dream faster than self-doubt. How can you ever expect to create something wonderful, if you don't believe in yourself. I think we all understand that the better we feel about ourselves, the more we can achieve and the better our quality of life will be.

But how do you start believing in yourself? How do we change that voice in your head to be your greatest cheerleader? How do you become the person you most admire?

Unfortunately, there is no magic pill you can take to feel great about yourself. But it starts with a decision. Decide to be kind to yourself. Decide to feed yourself positive messages. Decide to acknowledge your gifts and use them. Decide to do the best that you can with what you have. Decide to forgive yourself when you make a mistake. Decide to take a risk and do the things that you want to do, even if they scare you.

How you feel about yourself and how you live your life is your choice. You decide what you think about yourself. So make the decision to best person you can be. And remind yourself who you really are. Invest in building yourself up to be the person you want to be. It will be the best investment you will ever make!

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Be Your Own Best Friend!

When you start to take notice of your thoughts and self-talk, it can be shocking to hear the things you say to yourself. Some of the things I have said to myself, I would never say to a friend. Why is that? Why do we treat ourselves worse than we would ever treat one of our friends?

It could be that we heard those messages from others and then repeat them to ourselves. We might say negative things to ourselves to protect us from being hurt by others.  We might predict the worst so we are not disappointed if the worst happens.

If you say, "I can't do that," you prevent yourself from trying new things and potentially making a fool of yourself. If you say, "I'm fat," then it won't hurt as much if someone else sends you that message. If you say "Bad things always happen to me," you won't be disappointed if they do.

How has that strategy been working for you? Have your negative words to yourself helped you accomplish any goals that you wanted to achieve?  Have those words given you confidence? Have they made you a better person?

What if you turned those words around? What if you said, "I can do that!", "I look great just as I am?",  "Good things happen to me all the time." Do you think those messages could get you closer to living the life you want than the negative self talk? Why don't you experiment and try? What do you have to lose?

Your self-talk is a self-fulfilling prophesy. It may feel uncomfortable, at first, to feed yourself compliments and positive self-talk, but the more you do it, the more natural it will become. And the more you do it, the more you will believe it. The more you believe that you are a fabulous person, the more you will act like a fabulous person and the more other people will respond to you as that person. 

It all starts with awareness. As Maya Angelou says, "...when you know better,  do better." You know that it is important to speak to yourself in a kind and positive way.  If you catch yourself saying something negative to yourself or about yourself to another person, stop yourself and rephrase your message into a positive one. Remember, you are speaking to your best friend - YOU! 

Start today and don't ever stop. It will be worth the effort!

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Look for the silver lining.

I had the experience this week of seeing one of my family members falling short of their goal that they had worked incredibly hard for. I found it hard to witness because it didn't seem fair after all the challenges they faced and time and energy put into meeting this goal. At first it was too hard to look for the silver lining, but after the initial disappointment ended, there were so many good things to come out of it.

For me, part of my challenge is that I am always espousing, set your goals, work hard and you will get there. This felt like a lie in the face of my family member not achieving what they set out to do. But with a little time and perspective, this experience is just a reminder that there isn't always a straight line to get to your goals. There are many paths to get there and if you stop before you find a new route, you won't get there. And sometimes the paths don't lead to your original goal, they sometimes take you to a better place than where you first tried to go.

When things don't go right, it's hard to believe it's happened for a reason. And sometimes the reason is never evident. But there is always an opportunity for good things to grow out bad things.  There are silver linings there when you are ready to look for them.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Think Yourself Thin!

In Napoleon Hill's 1937 bestseller, Think and Grow Rich, he stated:

"The greatest achievement was at first, and for a time, a dream. The oak sleeps in the acorn,   the bird waits in the egg, and in the highest vision of the soul, a waking angel stirs. Dreams are the seedlings of reality."

One of the main premises in Napoleon Hill's classic book on achieving success, is that THOUGHTS ARE THINGS. Our thoughts lead us to act. So we have to train ourselves to think thoughts that support what we want to achieve. You can't expect to become rich, if you are constantly thinking about being poor. You can't expect your dreams to come true, if you don't believe it is possible.

I was listening to a CD I have by Wayne Dyer on how to achieve the results you want in your life. He asked individuals in the audience to give him examples of what they would like to achieve. One woman wanted to lose weight and he asked her if she thought it would be easy or difficult to lose the weight. She responded that it would be difficult. He asked her if she knew that with 100% certainty, to which she replied, "no." Then he asked her the reverse question, could she say with 100% certainty that it would be easy to lose the weight. She couldn't say that with certainty either. So he said to her, "you have two thoughts, one, that losing weight will be easy, another that it will be difficult, either may or may not be true. So which thought will you choose? The thought that will take you in the direction of your desired results or the thought that will take in you in opposite direction?

Of course thinking the right thoughts to achieve our goals or dreams is only the first step, but it is an important one. If you can't even think the thought of what you'd like to achieve and how you will do it, how can you make it happen. I was thinking of the analogy of thoughts being like the dots on those dot-to-dot picture books for children. Having the dots (thoughts) in place, creates the framework for bringing the picture (dream) to life. It's so much easier to create what you want when there is a template for you to follow.

So take notice of your thoughts. Observe them and see if they are supporting you and what you want to create in your life. Some probably are, but there might be some that aren't. If you want to lose weight, imagine how you will do it . Imagine that it will be easy. Imagine enjoying healthy, nutritious foods and feeling great. Imagine doing exercise that you love - maybe with a friend. Imagine how it feels to be active and healthy - how great it feels to be at your ideal weight. Imagine it as if it has already happened. When your thinking is aligned with your goal or dreams, that is the first step to bringing it into reality.

Once you start taking the steps towards your dreams, keep monitoring your thinking. If you hit an obstacle, watch that you don't fall into negative thinking, like "I knew this would happen," or "I can't do this." You have the power to control your thoughts, so choose the thoughts that will take you where you want to go.

If you don't know what your dream is or would like to know how to bring your dream to life, join us at our Dream Your Dreams Women's Retreat at the Rimrock Resort in Banff, October 14th-16th. For details visit

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Enjoy the moment!

This summer I am focussing on enjoying the moment. It is the catch phrase you hear all the time - "Enjoy the moment." I understand it and agree with it, but I don't always do it. I am on a short vacation with my mom right now because we drove my daughter to camp and are spending some time nearby while we wait to drive her home. It has been a wonderful time for both of us. It has been so nice to enjoy some "unscheduled time" and do whatever we want. We are enjoying all the amazing scenery and having time to visit and read our books. I know this is a special gift to be able to have this holiday with my mom, and I want to savour it. Every day I am consciously noticing the simple joys of spending time together. I am grateful for each part of the holiday as it arrives. It has been so relaxing for both of us.

Sometimes it is easier to focus on enjoying the moment on holidays because we don't have all our regular chores and routine. But the opportunity to live in the moment is always there, even in our regular day to day routine. Observing and appreciating ordinary things is an easy way to stay present and maximize our enjoyment in life.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Bringing good habits home from their holiday.

I find that whenever I go on holidays and get out of my routine, I forget about some of my good habits and develop some bad ones. I stay up late and sleep in. I eat foods I might not normally eat. I try to exercise, but it is at different times and I'm not as consistent.

Personally, I think it is okay to have a break when I am on holidays and go with the flow of the holiday experience. But when I come home after a vacation, it takes a little time for me to get back on track. I know my good habits help ground me and make it possible for me to achieve my goals. So I am reinstating my good habits each day until I am operating at full speed again. After a break of routine, it is a good time to re-evaluate what habits and routines are working and if there are any that need revision.

I encourage you to think of one of your healthiest or best habits that may have got lost during summer vacation and find a way to re-instate it. Or think about a new habit that you would like to create for yourself. Choose something that makes you feel excited and energized and track your results to see if it makes a difference for you.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

You Don't Have To Do It Alone

This week I have been thinking a lot about support. No matter what challenges are in our lives, it is easier to face them knowing we have someone or something supporting us. My friend's husband died in an accident this week and I am constantly thinking about her. There aren't many more challenging situations to go through than that. But I was reminded of the powerful story of Suzie Morrow (her story is in a previous blog post), and how she worked through the tragedy of losing her husband by focusing on creating the best life possible for her and her children. Her story is such an inspiration. 

I also thought about how another friend of the woman whose husband died, set up a schedule of people to support her each day over the next few weeks with whatever she needs (meals, errands, someone to listen). I thought that was such a great idea. Whenever we are faced with something so overwhelming, it helps to have people around to support us as we take each step forward to rebuilding our lives.

And support is not just important in a crisis. We need support with all the things we want to build and create in our lives. I am on holidays with my children right now and I didn't want to fall into a lazy holiday routine, so my son and I made a fitness plan for our vacation. I know I wouldn't have gotten up early in the morning to run hills by myself! Having someone else that we are accountable to and will encourage us and then doing the same for them, is a win-win. Everything is more achievable when we know someone has our back and is there to help us move forward.

We all need support as we go through all the stages of life. It's important to be able to ask for it or accept it when we need it and equally as important to give it when we can. For me, being a part of a supportive network is definitely a key ingredient for living my best life. What can you do to create the support you would like in your life and to give it to those in need?

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

When bad things happen...

When bad things happen, it's hard to know how to react. I find that when something bad happens to me, I am initially in shock. I don't expect something bad to happen. I'm not sure how to react right away. Then when the shock wears off, I try to think of what to do next. How can I fix it, or make it better or palatable in some way? If I can't fix it, then I often get into wondering if I could go back in time to fix it with what ifs... what if I hadn't stopped for coffee, what if I had gone to bed earlier, what if I didn't take that phone call... I don't like feeling bad, so then I try to look for the silver lining. Is there something good I can take from whatever bad thing has happened? At first, it is often hard to find the silver lining. Every time I think of the bad thing that happened, I feel sorry and recycle all my bad feelings about it. But I know that in time, the feeling will fade. I sometimes repeat to myself the zen mantra "this too shall pass." I know intellectually, even if I don't know it emotionally yet, that at some point I will be able to accept what has happened and the bad feelings will subside in time.

I just went through this cycle today. We had close friends visiting from out of town. We had a great visit with them and they spent their final morning with us going on a lovely walk around our neighbourhood, appreciating the beautiful scenery and reflecting on our nice time together. As they were getting ready to leave, they realized their car had been broken into and their iPad was stolen. Immediately, I was shocked. I couldn't believe it had happened. Then I wondered what I should do. I realized I should call the police. While we were waiting for the police to arrive,  I kept thinking about all the what ifs. What if I had told them to park somewhere else? Or had made a point of warning them about recent car break-ins in our neighbourhood? Or if we had checked the car last night or this morning? Then I tried to think of the silver linings - at least there was no damage to the car, at least other things weren't stolen? At least no one was hurt. But it wasn't the way I wanted our visit together to end. I kept thinking about it throughout the day. I know eventually it will seem like a small thing. It might make a good story in years to come - well maybe not a good story but a story we will reminisce about. It will be something we can learn from.

What could learn from this situation? We could learn to be more vigilant about locking things up or be extra cautious with our possessions and those are useful things to learn. But I think the bigger thing to learn is that, bad things can and will happen to us. But we will be okay. The bad feelings will pass. Some bad things, like stolen possessions, are easier to get over because they are just a things. More difficult things to get over are illness and death. Those things permanently change our lives in profound ways. And yet we only have the power to change the things we can. After that there is only acceptance and then gratitude for the wonderful things that remain in our lives.

I wish bad things didn't happen, but they will. I wish people didn't have to hurt sometimes, but that is part of life. I think having an awareness that I will go through a grieving cycle when bad things happen, but that I will eventually get to acceptance and then even to a state of gratitude, will make it easier to deal with the bad things in life.

I hope that when something bad happens in your life, you will be able to get to acceptance and move forward with gratitude to the beautiful things that are ahead of you in life. And beautiful things are ahead of you!

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Your Mirror Image

My son turned 13 this week and I was reflecting on what a great person he is. He is disciplined and hard-working. He is focused on his goals and has been very successful in school and sports. He is also thoughtful and empathetic to others. He is generous with his friends and family. Overall, he's an amazing person!

I don't feel like I can take credit for those things. Those are his achievements and I am so proud of him. But I do remember when he was born, feeling overwhelmed by the responsibility of being one of the dominant influences in his life. I wanted to do everything RIGHT. I didn't want to damage this perfect little baby by making any mistakes. I soon realized that this is not possible. There is no such thing as a perfect parent. Every parent and child learn by making mistakes together.

I had read so many books on parenting in those early days, hoping to get it right. But I found that some of the things I tried from the books didn't always work well. And some of the theories contradicted each other. I finally decided to put the books on the shelf and came up with my own theory. I decided the best thing I could do for my child was to be the best person I can be. I know that worked for my parents. They weren't perfect but I had observed them working hard to create a great life for our family. I admired my parents and how they were always improving themselves and becoming the best they could be in their careers. And I appreciated how much they did for me and my brother, sometimes sacrificing their own needs so we could have certain opportunities.

And it is pretty obvious that kids are always observing us. I sometimes hear my own words coming out of my children's mouths. Sometimes it's flattering and sometimes it's not. And kids aren't just watching their parents, they are watching all the adults in their lives. We went on a family vacation to Germany with my parents for my cousin's wedding five years ago. My, now 13 year old, son was 8 at the time and he made this observation. "Mommy, Grandpa and Uncle Vittorio are really smart men." I   definitely agreed with him but wondered what made him come to that conclusion so I replied, "Yes, you're right, but what makes you say that." His innocent response made me smile. "They are smart because they treat people how they want to be treated." I understood exactly what he meant. Both my dad and uncle have a way of making people feel understood. Everyone wants that, especially children.

His observation made me think of Maya Angelou's great quote:

So when I think of the person that I want to be, I want to be a person that makes other people feel great about themselves. I want my children to think I am a "smart woman" because I treat people how they want to be treated. I want my children to reflect back on their upbringing and appreciate that I was always trying to learn and improve and be the best version of myself possible.

Whether you have children or not, the people in your life are learning through your example. My challenge to you today, is to think about who you want to be. What kind of qualities would you like to see reflected back to you by the people mirroring you?  You deserve to see a beautiful image of yourself and you have the power to create it.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Why Go On a Women’s Retreat Weekend?

Have you ever thought that you have talents and skills that you are not using? That even though your life is good or maybe even great, that there could be more? Are you certain what your life’s purpose is? Are you excited when you wake up in the morning because your life is filled with purpose and passion? Do you emanate joy to the people in your life and those you encounter in your day? Do you feel like you are living your best life? If not, can you imagine what your best life would be?

These are all questions that I have asked myself. To me, they are the really big questions and they resonate with me. I think I have a great life and I am grateful for all the beauty and joy in my life. Practicing gratitude is something that enriches my life and sense of happiness. But I think I can be grateful and appreciative for my life and still ask myself, “Is there something more…” Is there something more that I can learn? About myself? About others? About the world? About life? Of course there is. And learning more about myself and things that can benefit me and others is part of my purpose. That is something that fuels my life. What are some things that fuel your life? What do you wish you had more of in life? What do you wish you could do more of, be more of? What would you like to give to others?

I think these are questions that are worth exploring. But how do you do that when most of the minutes of your day are spoken for before you have a chance to think of anything. How do you carve out time to reflect on the meaning of your life when you are in constant motion?

I think that is the purpose a retreat serves. What is a retreat? The word retreat has different definitions, but generally speaking, it means to withdraw or step back. Many spiritual communities have traditional practices of retreating from daily life to focus on their spiritual growth.

Today, going on a retreat can be for a variety of purposes such as spiritual, health, personal, business and so on. But all of them are to give participants an opportunity to step back from the busyness of their daily routine and reflect on their life. After time to reflect and recharge, participants can refocus on what matters most in life.

A women’s retreat is specifically for promoting and nurturing women. Many women are busy juggling the needs of their families, careers, and communities, so their own needs often fall to the bottom of the list.

Taking time to go on a retreat means putting yourself at the top of your list, for at least a weekend. It’s an opportunity to nurture yourself and think about what you really want in life. It’s a chance to revisit dreams you had in the past or explore new ideas. It’s also an opportunity to appreciate yourself for all your unique attributes and gifts and envisioning a way to use your life to the fullest. You are the architect of your own life, but it won’t look like your ideal vision unless you consciously plan it.

As you go through the various stages of life, your dreams and needs change. The vision for one period of your life will change as you move into another stage. If you are in a time of transition, it is the perfect time to envision how you would like the next stage of life to unfold. It is an opportunity to reinvent yourself.

Taking the time to appreciate yourself, learn more about yourself and envision the life you want, is a great use of your time and resources. You will have more clarity and a greater ability to live a life you love living. And it will benefit everyone in your life. It is not selfish to be the best version of yourself possible. It is the most generous and inspiring thing you can do!

Whether or not you decide to go on a retreat weekend, consider investing some time and energy in yourself and thinking of ways to live your life to your fullest potential. There is greatness in every person and it manifests differently for each of us. You were given the many gifts in your life for a reason and you feel your best when you are using them.

If you are looking for a women’s retreat, the Dream Your Dreams Women’s Retreat is a fabulous retreat taking place at the luxurious Rimrock Resort in Banff, October 14th-16th

Visit or email for more details.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016


Sometimes the road to our goals and dreams seems so daunting and unachievable, that it is easier to never take a step down that road. But I was introduced to a concept in books and courses years ago that I often refer back to. Everything that exists today, was once a thought. Not so long ago, we didn't have smart phones, computers, the internet and the list goes on. Someone had to have thought of these ideas before they came into existence.

The same is true of the results in our lives. Before we could have a job, car, home, our own family, we had to have thoughts about them before they existed. Sometimes we choose the results in our lives consciously and sometimes unconsciously. If we don't take the time to think about what we want to see in our lives, then our results might not be what we would ideally like. But if we make conscious decisions about what we want to see in our lives, the chances of them coming true are that much greater.

You don't have to know how your are going to make a dream come true at the beginning. It starts with the idea. Then it is the decision to try, to take action and do something about it, that moves us down that road. Even one small, tiny step in the direction of your goal, is a step closer to achieving it.

When I was young, I used to say that one day I was going to write a book. I don't know why I said this or why I wanted to do it. I didn't know what the book would be about, but I loved the idea that one day I would be an author of a book. I tried doing some writing in my late teens and early twenties, but I didn't go very far because I didn't have something that I really wanted to write. I got busy with other things in my life and that dream sat dormant.

Then when I was in my 30s, a friend of mine invited me to her book launch party. I was so happy for her. I remembered how I had wanted to write a book and was inspired by my friend having the gumption to fullfill her dream. At that point in my life, my children were so little, I couldn't imagine stringing a coherent sentence together, never mind writing a book. But then I met another friend who was writing a book too! What are the odds that I would have two friends who wrote books. This friend had children the same age as my children and she told me that she had hired a babysitter one day a week and she would go to the library and work on her book for the full day. I thought that was a brilliant idea, but I still didn't have an idea about what I would write. Then I met an interesting woman, who was my sister-in-law's best friend, on a girls' weekend. This woman's family history intrigued me and inspired the idea for the novel I would write.

But I still didn't have a babysitter and couldn't imagine finding someone for one day a week. Out of nowhere, one of my neighbours told me about an amazing lady who cared for her children one day a week who might have availability. So I hired the babysitter, wrote an outline for my story and wrote one chapter each week. I didn't know if this was the right way to go about writing a novel, but it seemed to work. Each week I felt so grateful for this project and eventually I completed the novel. Of course then I didn't know how to go about publishing it. At that time I met a woman who was a life coach and suggested she could coach me through the process of publishing my book, which she did! I published my book, Gypsy Dreams, and had my book launch party in March of 2013!

That book launch party was a moment I held in my mind throughout the process. To me it was the the moment of completion of my dream. When I look back to the beginning of that idea in my childhood, to a more fully formed dream, to actually starting, I feel as though I was guided. Every time I needed help with moving forward, something or someone came into my life to help.

There is a certain magic in having a dream, getting it clear in your mind and then starting! Just taking one small step in the direction of your dream moves you one step closer. With each step forward, you build momentum. You may encounter roadblocks or be redirected, but just the process of moving in the direction of your dream opens up a world of possibility that didn't exist before you took the first step.

Challenge yourself to take a step in the direction of your dream today. I guarantee, just taking even a small step will feel great. You don't have to have all the answers. Trust that the right person, or opportunity or idea will come to you when you need it. They will show up if you are looking for them.

Please share any steps you decide to take or any 'wins' on taking action to move toward realizing your dreams. I'd love to hear them!

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Sooo Grateful!!!

I know that I live a good life. For that I am grateful to my husband, my parents, my children my friends. spirituality, life...

I have become aware that gratitude is a practice. The more I notice reasons to be grateful, the more grateful and happier I become. And it is such an easy thing to do, when you pay attention. Having a drink of cold water on a hot day is a huge thing to be grateful for. A comfortable place to sleep, enough food to eat, people to share a meal with. If I pay attention to everything I can be grateful for in a day, I am overwhelmed.

Living in Calgary, Canada in the winter is not always something people are grateful for. Growing up, I used to wish I lived in Vancouver or somewhere in California or Hawaii. It would be nice to live somewhere where the temperature never reaches minus 30 degrees celsius! And now that I am older, I can't imagine being more grateful for where I live. Every day that I drive my kids to school or hockey, I drive through the beautiful landscape to the west of Calgary, facing the pristine Rocky Mountains. I pass by large fields of grassland with cows or horses. The clear blue sky kisses the horizon line and it seems I could want for nothing more.

Is my life perfect - of course not. That is not something that anyone can boast of, nor should even aspire to. But even in the most challenging times of my life, there have been many things for me to be grateful for and I believe that to be true for everyone.

I believe practicing gratitude on a continual basis is one of the surest, easiest ways to improve your happiness in life. A few years ago, I started a gratitude journal (I got the idea from Oprah so it was bound to be good). Every day, I write 5 things that I am grateful for. On some of my worst days, I may list going to bed as something I am grateful for. On other days, I will write more than 5 items because I can't contain my gratitude to such a small list. This practice forces me to be aware of the many blessings in my life.

I challenge you to keep a gratitude journal for 3 weeks. Let me know how your experiment goes. I believe it will improve your happiness and the quality of your life. What do you have to lose other than a couple of minutes each day? Try it - you'll like it!

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Making the Right Choice?

I took a series of personal development courses in my late teens and early twenties that focussed on the idea that our lives are a product of our choices. When life is going well, that concept sounds great. When life is challenging, that concept seems like a judgement. It also puts a lot of pressure on us to make the "right choices."

Now that I am older and have more life experiences to reflect on, I do believe that my choices have led me to where I am today. Some of my choices were good and others weren't, but all of them taught me things. The patterns of my choices have also taught me things. When think of choices I made  to play it safe or give up, I look back with some regrets. When look at choices I made that were brave and forced me out of my comfort zone, I feel proud of myself. Even when those choices didn't lead exactly where I thought they would, those were the times I grew the most.

Recently, I have debating a choice about whether to take a course. It is something I would like to do, but it is expensive and will take time away from my family and could lead me on a path that will significantly change my life. When I look at the pros and cons, I can see that I am really hesitating because of fear, (fear of an unknown future, of wasting money, of wasting time, of change, etc.). If I take the course and my fears prove true, I think I will still come out a winner because I will have learned something new that will change my perspective. I will have also faced my fears, which always leads to growth.

Is there something that you would like to do in your life right now that your are avoiding because of fear? If you are struggling with a decision, you probably know deep down what you really want. I like the quote below from Nelson Mandela, "May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."
That helped me make my choice, (yes to taking the course)! I hope it helps you make your choice(s) too!

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

YOU are wonderful just as you are!

I like this quote because we are bombarded with so much information these days. We are constantly being given the message that we should be "more productive, thinner, better looking, richer, funnier, sexier, healthier." We might want to be some of those things and we can aspire to make those changes...if we want.

I love challenging myself to be the best person I can be. That often leads to setting new goals or challenges for myself. But I start at a place where I appreciate myself for who I am right now. We are like tiny seedlings. We will only grow if we are nurtured and given the right nutrients.

Feed yourself with positive affirmations. Love yourself for who you are right now and for who you can become. You have your own unique aspects of who you are. Celebrate them. Use them to benefit yourself and others. Become your own best cheerleader and laugh at yourself if you make a mistake. When you love yourself as you are, you have the confidence to do great things with your life - not to please others or because you should, but because you want to and you know you can. Believing in yourself starts with appreciating yourself (imperfections and all). None of us are perfect. We're not meant to be perfect. We are meant to be the best expressions of ourselves.

Enjoy being your You-est You! Write down 5 things you like about yourself. Then do something nice for yourself today. Try treating yourself like you would treat your best friend.
When you like yourself, life is joyful.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Are You Living the Life of Your Dreams?

This is a quote most of us have heard before. What does it really mean? Why is it so important for us to examine our lives? Socrates might have had time to examine his life, but he didn't have texts and emails to answer, deadlines, kids to take to activities, phones chiming to remind him of the next event on his calendar.

We might think we don't have time to examine our lives. But what is the alternative? Should we continue rushing through the daily, weekly, monthly grind peppered with a few holidays and parties only to arrive at the end of our lives wondering what it was all about?

Sometimes it is great to take a step back (or step out of) our daily routine and think about our lives. Are we doing work that we love, that makes us excited about life and feeds our souls? Are we taking care of our health and feeling energetic and able to do the things we want? Are we happy with our relationships with our spouse? Family? Friends? Do we know what matters most to us in life? Is it the things that matter most that we are giving our time and energy to?

Taking time to reflect on our lives might not be a priority when we have so many other time-sensitive commitments on our calendars, but if we can carve out some time to reflect on what it is we want most in life, we are much more likely to get it.

Don't you want to take some time and imagine life as you would like it to be? What would you be doing? Who would be with you? What would make you feel excited about getting out of bed every day? Your dreams can be big or small. You might already love your life but what could you do to enhance it even more? Sometimes it only takes small changes to make a big difference.

Take one minute today to look at your calendar and make a date with yourself to daydream about your life. You can write ideas down or find pictures that capture the idea of what you want and make a vision board. You might write down a goal or think of a plan. It might spark a great conversation with your kids or your spouse or a friend.

Your life is worth living, so why not examine it and make it the best life possible!

Monday, March 21, 2016

Find Your Passion

If you have not seen Steve Harvey's show, Little Big Shots, do yourself a favour and watch an episode. What I love about the show is being able to see these young children who have found their passion in life at such an early age. It is amazing how talented these kids are. I can't help but admire and envy them at the same time.

I have always been a person who is good at many things, but not exceptional at any one thing. I used to think that it would be wonderful to know what my one great gift was and to pursue it and make it my life's vocation. If you have a great gift like that, I hope you nurture it and share it with the world.

If you haven't found it, it is not too late. It might not be just one thing and you might not be the best in the world at it. The important thing is that you use your gifts. That is what you are meant to do with them.

For me, I think one of my gifts is being willing to try new things. I may never be incredibly talented at just one thing, but I can be moderately talented at many things. My passion is having new and interesting experiences at every stage of life. That is part of what makes life exciting for me.

Whether you have one main passion or many, do something everyday with your gifts and passions and share your joie de vie with the world. It might not change the world, but it will change your world in a very positive way.