I am a person who believes in synchronicity, which could be described as meaningful coincidences. If someone tells me about a movie or book or story that I should checkout, I make note of it. If I hear about it a second time, then I really pay attention because I know there is a message for me. If I hear about it a third time, I know it is the universe hitting me over the head trying to get me to pay attention.
So a good friend of mine told me about this documentary she was watching on youtube about someone they call the Iceman. It sounded fascinating and she sent me the link to watch it, but I was too busy at the time. 40 minutes seemed too long. Then I forgot about it. Then my neighbour came by on Halloween night and told me about this Iceman video his son showed him because it reminded him of his dad. I didn't need to hear about it a third time. I watched it this morning and I was blown away. 40 minutes seems like a lot of time, but you can watch it while you are making dinner or watch it with your kids after supper instead of watching T.V.
Wim Hoff is "The Iceman." His wikipedia bio states that he holds 20 world records, including a world record for the longest ice bath. He hiked Mount Kilimanjaro in his shorts in two days. He climbed Mount Everest to 6.7 km in nothing but shorts and shoes. He has been studied by scientists who have found he can influence his own autonomic nervous system and immune system. He can raise his cortisol levels and lower the amount of cytokines (inflammatory mediators) by using his meditation techniques.
What I find so inspiring about Wim is that not only has he found a way to do things we didn't believe humans could do (control his autonomic nervous system with his mind), but he wants to share that knowledge with science and with the world so other people can learn his techniques. I think he is a Daring Dreamer that could change the way we view what is possible for humans in terms of controlling our bodies and our lives!
Thank you Wim!
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