I was looking for a quote today that expresses the idea that life is a work in progress. I sometimes look forward to that mythical time when my current project is over and everything will be completed and perfect and I will have "arrived." But I have come to the realization that this moment of arrival at a perfect time in life will never happen. There are moments of accomplishment when you reach a milestone or achieve a goal, but the beauty of life is in the moments that lead up to the milestones.
I am in the middle of some renovations to my home so I am temporarily living at my parents home. Part of me is looking forward to being settled again in my own home. But another part recognizes that rather than focusing on that wonderful moment in the future, there are many moments for me to appreciate right now. When life feels unsettled, that's a sign that we are really living.
I am focussing on finding joy in every day moments -when life is messy and so far from perfect. Look for moments of joy in your day today!
Beautifully put --- thank you for this reminder. xo - melody