I sometimes wonder if anyone could be harder on us than we are on ourselves. The negative voice in your head may have originated with something a parent, teacher, or peer said to you, but you are the only one who keeps that voice going. You have a choice on what that voice in your heads says to you.
Nothing will kill a dream faster than self-doubt. How can you ever expect to create something wonderful, if you don't believe in yourself. I think we all understand that the better we feel about ourselves, the more we can achieve and the better our quality of life will be.
But how do you start believing in yourself? How do we change that voice in your head to be your greatest cheerleader? How do you become the person you most admire?
Unfortunately, there is no magic pill you can take to feel great about yourself. But it starts with a decision. Decide to be kind to yourself. Decide to feed yourself positive messages. Decide to acknowledge your gifts and use them. Decide to do the best that you can with what you have. Decide to forgive yourself when you make a mistake. Decide to take a risk and do the things that you want to do, even if they scare you.
How you feel about yourself and how you live your life is your choice. You decide what you think about yourself. So make the decision to best person you can be. And remind yourself who you really are. Invest in building yourself up to be the person you want to be. It will be the best investment you will ever make!