Sometimes the road to our goals and dreams seems so daunting and unachievable, that it is easier to never take a step down that road. But I was introduced to a concept in books and courses years ago that I often refer back to. Everything that exists today, was once a thought. Not so long ago, we didn't have smart phones, computers, the internet and the list goes on. Someone had to have thought of these ideas before they came into existence.
The same is true of the results in our lives. Before we could have a job, car, home, our own family, we had to have thoughts about them before they existed. Sometimes we choose the results in our lives consciously and sometimes unconsciously. If we don't take the time to think about what we want to see in our lives, then our results might not be what we would ideally like. But if we make conscious decisions about what we want to see in our lives, the chances of them coming true are that much greater.
You don't have to know how your are going to make a dream come true at the beginning. It starts with the idea. Then it is the decision to try, to take action and do something about it, that moves us down that road. Even one small, tiny step in the direction of your goal, is a step closer to achieving it.
When I was young, I used to say that one day I was going to write a book. I don't know why I said this or why I wanted to do it. I didn't know what the book would be about, but I loved the idea that one day I would be an author of a book. I tried doing some writing in my late teens and early twenties, but I didn't go very far because I didn't have something that I really wanted to write. I got busy with other things in my life and that dream sat dormant.
Then when I was in my 30s, a friend of mine invited me to her book launch party. I was so happy for her. I remembered how I had wanted to write a book and was inspired by my friend having the gumption to fullfill her dream. At that point in my life, my children were so little, I couldn't imagine stringing a coherent sentence together, never mind writing a book. But then I met another friend who was writing a book too! What are the odds that I would have two friends who wrote books. This friend had children the same age as my children and she told me that she had hired a babysitter one day a week and she would go to the library and work on her book for the full day. I thought that was a brilliant idea, but I still didn't have an idea about what I would write. Then I met an interesting woman, who was my sister-in-law's best friend, on a girls' weekend. This woman's family history intrigued me and inspired the idea for the novel I would write.
But I still didn't have a babysitter and couldn't imagine finding someone for one day a week. Out of nowhere, one of my neighbours told me about an amazing lady who cared for her children one day a week who might have availability. So I hired the babysitter, wrote an outline for my story and wrote one chapter each week. I didn't know if this was the right way to go about writing a novel, but it seemed to work. Each week I felt so grateful for this project and eventually I completed the novel. Of course then I didn't know how to go about publishing it. At that time I met a woman who was a life coach and suggested she could coach me through the process of publishing my book, which she did! I published my book, Gypsy Dreams, and had my book launch party in March of 2013!
That book launch party was a moment I held in my mind throughout the process. To me it was the the moment of completion of my dream. When I look back to the beginning of that idea in my childhood, to a more fully formed dream, to actually starting, I feel as though I was guided. Every time I needed help with moving forward, something or someone came into my life to help.
There is a certain magic in having a dream, getting it clear in your mind and then starting! Just taking one small step in the direction of your dream moves you one step closer. With each step forward, you build momentum. You may encounter roadblocks or be redirected, but just the process of moving in the direction of your dream opens up a world of possibility that didn't exist before you took the first step.
Challenge yourself to take a step in the direction of your dream today. I guarantee, just taking even a small step will feel great. You don't have to have all the answers. Trust that the right person, or opportunity or idea will come to you when you need it. They will show up if you are looking for them.
Please share any steps you decide to take or any 'wins' on taking action to move toward realizing your dreams. I'd love to hear them!